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United Kingdom does not recognize Morocco as legal administering power in Western Sahara

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 London, January 18, 2015 (SPS) – The British Foreign Office has confirmed that the United Kingdom does not recognize Morocco as the legal administering power in the Western Sahara.


"Britain like the United Nations does not recognize Morocco as the legal administering power in the Western Sahara and its presence is nothing more than a de facto dominant force over a part of the Sahrawi territory," confirmed British Foreign Office in response to a written question by Liberal Democratic Party MP, Mr. Mark Williams, asking whether they recognize Morocco as the administering power in the Western Sahara, a territory under the decolonization process.


The response which was made by Mr. Tobias Ellwood, UK Government Minister at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, demonstrates again the position of the British government, the most advanced in comparison with other members of the Group of Friends of Western Sahara in the Security Council. (SPS)

