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SADR chairs AU specialized committee for peace, security and cultural development

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Lusaka, March 5, 2015 (SPS) - The Permanent Representative to the African Union and Ambassador in Ethiopia, Mr. Lamine Baali, has been elected by African States’ permanent ambassadors to the AU, meeting in the Zambian capital, as a chair of the specialized committee on matters of peace, security and cultural development.

The committee is to prepare a draft optional plan for the First Ten Years of the long-term African Agenda 2063.

The committee works to highlight the goals and prioritized domains emanating from the 4th aspiration of the continental agenda “for an integrated, people-centered, prosperous Africa, at peace with itself”.

At the local level of Member States of the AU, the committee will draw the main objectives aimed at silencing the guns by 2020, fully activating the Panel of the Wise, launching initiatives to prevent conflicts by further deploying the Continental Early Warning System (CEWS), establishing the Rapid Deployment Capability of the African Standby Force by 2018, and implementing the Non-Aggression and Common Defence Pact by 2017.

It is also to examine a set of programs and key strategies to achieve the aspirations of the agenda in the prospects for implementing the ten-year plan of the Agenda, before being submitted to AU permanent representatives to be included in the 10-year agenda draft. (SPS)
