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International community should put pressure on Moroccan government to save peace process (Polisario representative in Slovenia)

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 Jubljna (Slovenia), March 22, 2015 (SPS) The Polisario Front representative in Slovenia, Ghada Maalainin, called on the international community to exert political and economic pressure on the Moroccan government to save the peace process in Western Sahar,a during a conference Friday in collaboration with the Slovenian Institute for Studies on Western Sahara at the Ethnographic Museum in Slovenia.


 The Saharawi diplomat addressed the Moroccan illegal occupation of Western Sahara and its barriers to the UN efforts to achieve a just and lasting solution of the question of Western Sahara.


 For his part, the President of the Slovenian Institute for Studies, Alice Bliss Schorencick, criticized the position of the European countries on the Saharawi issue that "in most cases are complicit with the Moroccan occupier, encouraging Morocco in its defiance of the international community. "


Projection of documentary films and photo exhibitions allowed participants to learn about the humanitarian situation in the Saharawi refugee camps and repression in the occupied territories of Western Sahara. (SPS)

