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Families of missing sahrawis call to shed light on their relatives’ fate

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps), May 3, 2015 (SPS) - The families of the missing Sahrawis called on again Friday, in the Sahrawi refugee camps of Dakhla, the international community to put pressure on Morocco to reveal the fate of their relatives who disappeared since the beginning of the Moroccan occupation in Western Sahara in 1975.


In a press conference held as part of the 12th International Film Festival of Western Sahara “FiSahara,” the families of the missing Sahrawis underlined “the necessity to put pressure on Morocco to reveal the fate of more than 400 people.”


This call comes after the discovery in 2013 of common graves in the liberated territories by a delegation from the Basque country.


Testimonies of the family members of the missing people who discovered the bones of their relatives in these common graves were presented in this conference.


Organized under the theme “universal justice,” the conference was marked by the presence of Sahrawi Culture Minister Khadidja Hamdin, members of the Sahrawi government,  South African ambassador to Algeria Dennis Thokozani Dlomo, Argentinian activist Nora Cortines and Spanish lawyer, who brought proceedings against 11 Moroccan officials for genocide against Sahrawi people, Manuel Ollé. (SPS)

