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France, Morocco accomplices to barbaric acts against Western Sahara people

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Lima (Peru), May 10, 2015 (SPS) - France and Morocco are accomplices to the barbaric acts occurring in Western Sahara, the chairman of the Peruvian Council for Solidarity with Saharawi People (COPESA), Ricardo Sanchez Serra, told local media.


"Morocco has nothing to boast about. France is party to the barbaric acts in Western Sahara through its resort to the veto, as a Security Council permanent member, during the vote for resolution 2218 about Western Sahara," the head of COPESA said in an interview with the radio of Peruvian Journalists Federation.


UN Security Council Resolution 2218 on Western Sahara may be considered as "favourable to Morocco," as it ignores "the plundering of the natural resources and human rights abuses in Western Sahara territories."


Sanchez Serra stressed that "Western Sahara issue is a decolonisation process and the exploitation of its natural resources without the consent of the Saharawi population is a violation of the international law." (SPS)

