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Managua Conference: Countries demand decolonisation of Western Sahara

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Managua (Nicaragua) May 22, 2015 (SPS) - Many countries participating in the International Conference on Decolonization of Colonial Territories held in Managua, Nicaragua, has reiterated that the continued colonization of Western Sahara is unacceptable, calling on the United Nations for an urgent action to enable the Saharawi people to exercise their right to self-determination.


 In his speech, the representative of Ethiopia reiterated his country's support for the struggle of the Sahrawi people for freedom and self-determination, recalling the efforts of the African Union in this regard.


 He pointed out the urgent need for the decolonization of Western Sahara, which is the last colony in Africa.


 For his part, the representative of Algeria stressed the important role played by the 4th Committee towards the decolonization of Western Sahara, expressing his country's support for the organization of visits of the UN missions to Western Sahara in order to find out about the situation.


The representative of Venezuela,whomade remarks about the recent resolution of the Security Council on Western Sahara, urged the 4th Committee to take all necessary measures to complete the decolonization process in Western Sahara.


 The Saharawi representative in the Conference, Mohammed Yeslim Beissat, demanded the experts to consider the possibility of organizing visits to Western Sahara.


The Conference aims to enable the Special Committee to elicit the views of representatives of the Colonial Territories, experts, members of civil society and other stakeholders, who can assist the Committee in determining the policy approaches and practical ways that can be followed in the United Nations decolonization process. (SPS)

