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Strong condemnation in Peru of Morocco's "genocidal" policy against Saharawi people

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Lima (Peru), 31 May 2015 (SPS) - Participants in a recent seminar organized by the Federation of Journalists of the Peruvian province of Ica, condemned the policy of "genocide" undertaken by Morocco against the Saharawi people, calling for the completion of the decolonization process in Western Sahara through the holding of a free referendum for the Saharawi people to allow them freely exercise their right to self-determination.


Recalling the invasion, 40 years ago by Morocco in Western Sahara, participants stressed the international indignation vis-à-vis the systematic violations of human rights and freedoms by Morocco in the occupied Saharawi territories.


On the basis of reports of NGOs, including Amnesty International's one, participants particularly denounced the "genocide" committed through the use by Morocco of "torture".


Speaking at the seminar held under the theme: "Investigative journalism, popular press and television production," the journalist Ricardo Sanchez Serra also discussed the situation of the Sahrawi refugees living in camps with the international aid while the colonial country Morocco "plunders and illegally exploits" natural resources in the occupied territories with the complicity of countries like France, which, each time, uses its veto in favor of the occupier.


Hundreds of journalists and university students from San Luis Gonzaga attended the seminar which helped uncover the "inhumane practices" the Saharawi people suffer from. (SPS)

