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Anders Kompass aborte Ban Ki-moon's plans for Western Sahara

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Chahid El Hafedh, 07/01/2015 (SPS) .- The UN official Anders Kompass helped aborting UN Secretary General's plans relating to give a role to the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to report on the situation of human rights in Western Sahara, according to a confidential letter sent by former Ambassador of Morocco in Geneva, Omar Hilale.

In a letter sent on 27 August 2014 to the Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Morocco's permanent representative in Geneva and current ambassador to the UN in New York, Omar Hilale denounces the will of the DPKO (UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations) "to impose a role to OHCHR in Western Sahara".

In a "working dinner" with his "friend" Anders Kompass, Director of Field Operations of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Kompass tells him that "DPKO sent yesterday an email to Ms Pillay Office to ask about the different options to include human rights in the mandate of MINURSO without having to expand it. This has caused great surprise because the positive results of the technical mission in the Sahara and High Commissioner who argue against any expansion and especially the Security Council refusal to follow UN Secretary General's recommendations in this regard " .

The Secretariat seems to have discovered Kompass sympathies towards Moroccan position on Western Sahara. The Office of Ban Ki-moon accuse Swedish official "of refusal to hold meetings of the technical mission last April at the headquarters of MINURSO". Because of this, the Sahrawi Human Rights activists refused to meet the OHCHR mission outside MINURSO headquarters. The technical mission was led by Kompass himself. He had managed to convince Ms Pillay to appoint him as head of the mission that visited Western Sahara in May 2014.

"Secretariat considers the visit of the technical mission at worst as" null and void "and at best to have failed because it did not produce the desired results in New York", adds Hilale in his correspondence indicating that "the DPKO is pushing to a visit of Mr Ivan Simonovic (Assistant Secretary-General and Representative of OHCHR in New York) to Sahara ". According to his confidant, "OHCHR is not enthusiastic for such a visit". He also noted that the UN General Secretariat insists on "that all OHCHR correspondences mention that the territory of Western Sahara is a Non-Self-Governing Territory (NST)".

It should be recalled Anders Kompass had ensured that OHCHR's contribution to the report of the UN Secretary General on Western Sahara be favorable to Morocco, he neutralized the action of the Tunisian Frej Fennich, head of MENA Division, seen by the Moroccan diplomat as too hostile to Morocco's interests, and he interfered in the discussions between Pillay and Mr. Christopher Ross to avoid Pillay commitment about a broadening of the mandate of MINURSO to Human Rights or the creation of an independent mechanism in Western Sahara.

In this context, the President of the Republic sent a letter to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr. Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, in which he expressed "grave concern" about the recent revelations of a hacker acting under the pseudonym of "Chris_coleman24", according to which, the Permanent Mission of Morocco to the UN in Geneva is trying to influence officials operating in OHCHR ". SPS
