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UN's silence on the Moroccan espionage undermines its credibility in Western Sahara peace process

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New York, July 15, 2015 (SPS) .- United Nations Secretariat General silence on Morocco's spy operations undermines its credibility in Western Sahara peace process, reported website Algérie Patriotique.


The Algerian daily Algérie Patriotique says in its today edition that "thanks to his friend Kompass, Morocco's ambassador and permanent representative to the UN, Omar Hilale, is occuping a front place to get reported of all what happens on the Western Sahara matter in the wings of the Organization, with a predilection for the Secretariat General, supposed to be a place where absolute confidentiality is guaranteed", highlighting that "this is called espionage, and it seems that this practice implemented by the Moroccan ambassador is an open secret".


"According to echoes arrived to Algeriepatriotique, the question asked that diplomats who follows UN internal news concerns the reasons why there is no official reaction from the Secretariat General to the point that they suspect the existence of complicity benefiting Morocco in the General Secretariat itself", said the source noting that "they highlight that this silence, despite all the mails and calls, is inexplicable and undermines the credibility of the decolonization process in the last case the UN treat".


Algérie Patriotique recalls that hacker Chris Coleman unveiled several times, through confidential documents, the role of Anders Kompass in information leakage to his Moroccan friend, Ambassador Omar Hilale, emphasizing a letter sent by former Ambassador of Morocco in Geneva in May 20, 2014 to his foreign minister to report to him Kompass's complaints expressed with "bitterness and concern" on Christopher Ross and Wolfgang Weisbrod-Weber about a "ferocious campaign" these two high UN officials would conduct against him in order to, as he pretend, discredit him.


In fact, the daily said, Kompass certainly wanted to prove to his Moroccan friend that his task was not easy and he was paying his refusal, in order to please Moroccans, to meet Polisario representatives at MINURSO headquarters and also the biased content that he gave to his visit to Western Sahara within the framework of the High Commissioner of Human Rights technical mission in which he runs the Field Operations Division and technical cooperation.

In summary, Anders Kompass said to be accused of being payed by Morocco and have, for this reason, provided a false description of Western Sahara human rights situation, saying it was normal. Omar Hilale wanted to draw attention to his minister on Kompass fears to lose his job. At the same time, he pointed that Kompass could count on the support of Navi Pillay, High Commissioner for Human Rights. That's why Omar Hilale recommende to Makhzen to observe the utmost vigilance during the visit of the High Commissioner and to keep an eye on Feltman and Ross. Omar Hilale want to say that Ms Pillay may change her attitude toward Kompass and so ruining his plans.


According to the same source, "it's known that Anders Kompass has done everything to make OHCHR contribution to UN Secretary General report on Western Sahara favorable to Morocco, and he influenced Pillay to avoid she support expanding MINURSO mandate to human rights or the establishment of an independent mechanism in Western Sahara ". SPS

