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Health Minister meets African counterparts at Malabo Ebola conference

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Malabo, July 21, 2015 (SPS) - The Minister of Public Health Mr. Mohamed Lamine Daddi, who represented the President of the Republic Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz at the International Conference on Africa’s Fight Against Ebola held in Equatorial Guinea on July 20-21, has meet with various African counterparts, heads of delegations and prestigious personalities attending the event.

Mr. Mohamed Lamine Daddi held talks in this regard with the ministers of health of Algeria, Mauritania, Nigeria and Angola, in addition to Equatorial Guinea’s youth minister and Venezuela’s ambassador in the country.

He also met several other delegations and the representatives of prominent international bodies and organizations.

The two-day conference discussed the ways to provide urgent assistance for the fight against the deadly virus of Ebola, by helping the African countries to combat the spread of the disease. (SPS)
