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Sahrawi government condemns Moroccan King speech

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Shaheed el Hafed (Refugee Camps), 30 July 2015 (SPS) – The government of the Sahrawi Republic has condemned the Moroccan King’s speech, on the occasion of sixteen years on throne, considering it reflects the continued intransigence of the usual policies of colonial powers throughout history.


“The Government of the Sahrawi Republic expresses its condemnation to the Moroccan king’s speech on what he calls the ‘advanced regionalization’ in Western Sahara as it is a persist attempt to change the legal, political and demographic reality of the region, and is therefore a flagrant violation of the requirements of international law,” said a statement issued Thursday by the Ministry of Information.


The statement reiterated that the only solution to the conflict between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Polisario Front, the sole legitimate representative of the Saharawi people, is the full respect for the will of the Sahrawi people, the only owner of sovereignty over Western Sahara, through a free and fair referendum under the auspices of the United Nations.


The statement called on the United Nations to assume its responsibilities in the face of Moroccan intransigence and disregard of its resolutions, accelerate the decolonization of the last colony in Africa, put pressure on the Moroccan State for the release of all Saharawi political prisoners and reveal the whereabouts of more than 651 missing Sahrawis since the Moroccan military invasion of Western Sahara on October 31, 1975. (SPS)

