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President of Senate of Zimbabwe confirms support for struggle of Saharawi people

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 Harare (Zimbabwe) August 24 2015 (SPS) - President of the Senate of Zimbabwe Mrs. Edna Madzongwe reiterated Monday her country’s firm position in favour of the just struggle of the Saharawi people for freedom and independence.


Mrs. Madzongwe stressed, during a meeting with the Saharawi Ambassador, Mr. Daish Mohammed Saleh, that "the continuous support of the Republic of Zimbabwe to the just struggle of the Saharawi people stems from the principles of the anti-colonization of peoples and standing up for right and justice, and we will always be to their side until the complete liberation of their land and the expulsion of the Moroccan occupation."


In this context, she emphasized the African role to push for a quick settlement of the Sahrawi issue.


For his part, the Sahrawi Ambassador made a presentation on the developments related the issue of Western Sahara, the Moroccan intransigence aimed to blow up the international efforts to organize a referendum on the future of the Saharawi people, and the Moroccan grave violations of human rights against the Sahrawi citizens in the occupied Saharawi territories. (SPS)

