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UGTSARIO denounces blockade by Morocco of ITUC planned mission to occupied territories

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Shaheed Hafed, 11 Sept 2015 (SPS) - Sahrawi Workers Union UGTSARIO has expressed strong condemnation to the decision of the Moroccan authorities to block the visit of the mission of International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) to the occupied territories of Western Sahara which was planned for the next week.


In a statement Thursday, UGTSARIO considered the blockade as a chapter of the series of the police suffocating siege imposed on the Sahrawi community in the occupied territories.


UGTSARIO refuted the “false justifications” drafted by the Moroccan trade unions, backed by the Moroccan authorities of occupation to force the postponement of the visit of the mission, asserting  that the Sahrawi trade unions and human rights forces in the occupied territories and particularly in the occupied city of El Aaiun were preparing for the visit of the mission in a peaceful way.


UGTSARIOdemanded ITUC to take tough position against the affiliated Moroccan trade unions that are loyal to the Moroccan regime of occupation as they represent a stigma to its reputation and principles based on respect for the rights of peoples and individuals in a free and dignified life.   


UGTSARIO called for setting date to the visit of the ITUC mission to the occupied territories of Western Sahara as a decision that represents the will of millions of workers in the world. (SPS)

