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Iceland calls on international community to focus on question of Western Sahara

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 New York, October 4, 2015 (SPS) The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iceland, Mr. Gunnar Svensson Brasze, has called on the international community to focus on the question of Western Sahara so that it does not remain forgotten, during his address to the 70th session of the UN General Assembly.


 "We must not forget other conflicts that may burst at any time and here I recall the issue of Western Sahara," said the chief of Icelandic diplomacy.


This position reflects the interest Iceland attaches to the question of Western Sahara since the adoption by the Icelandic Parliament in 2013 of a strong resolution calling the Foreign Affairs of Iceland to work actively in the international forums for self-determination in Western Sahara and by which named a special report for Western Sahara, it should be recalled. (SPS)

