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UN urged to ensure respect of Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination

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GENEVA(Switzerland), October 07, 2015 (SPS) - the coordinator of the Polisario Front with the United Nations Mission for the Referendum In Western Sahara (MINURSO) Mhamed Khaddad urged the United Nations to ensure the respect of the Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination given its commitments to resolving the conflict of Western Sahara, occupied by Morocco, in an interview with the Newspaper Tribune of Geneva, received Wednesday in Algiers.


“the united nations must ensure the respect of the Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination,” said khaddad in a reply to the question of the Swiss newspaper, before underlining that un has committed to organizing a referendum for the self-determination of the sahrawi people and “should also set a date (for this popular consultation).”


“in july 2015, the African Union reminded the international community that it (UN) must honour its commitments. we are living under occupation and we will continue our struggle to ensure the respect of our right and achieve a fair and definitive solution,” argued the sahrawi official.


khaddad, who is also a member of the national secretariat of the Polisario front, said that Morocco conducted propaganda against the Polisario Front by calling it “terrorist” and “communist” group, in an attempt to tarnish the movement’s legitimacy.


in a question on the adherence of Polisario to the Geneva Conventions on the protection of civilians in times of war, khaddad said that “after two attempts that doomed to failure in 1975 and 1989, the Polisario tried it again in 2011 to Switzerland, a state guaranteeing the respect of Geneva Conventions, to record it in legal form in the international bodies.”(SPS)


