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Announcement of new appointments in civil and military sectors

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Shaheed El Hafed, January 11, 2015 (SPS) The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, made Sunday appointments at the levels of the Walis (governors) and Saharawi People's Liberation Army, said a statement of the Presidency of the Republic.


He appointed Mohamed Yeslem Beissat, the Wali of El Aaiun, Mariem Salek Hmada, the Wali of Awserd, Salem Lebsir, the Wali of Smara, Salek Baba Hassana, the Wali of Dakhla and the Fatma Balla, the Wali of Boujdour.


He also named Sidi Wagal, the commander of the second region, Mahfoud Zain (Kanafani), the commander of the Fifth Region, Salem Lehbib Chadad, the commander of the seventh region.


Moreover he named Yehdih Gayed Saleh, the Director of telecommunications, Bachir Mouloud M'hamed, the director of the military school shaheed El Wali Mustapha Seyed, Mohamed Salem Abdullah Said, the military attaché of the Embassy of SADR to Algeria, and Mahmoud Abdi, director of the National Police. (SPS)

