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President of Republic receives Director of CISP

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Shaheed El-Hafed, January 29, 2016 (SPA) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, received Frida at Presidency of the Republic, Mr. Paolo Dieci, Director of CISP (International Committee for the Development of Peoples).


During the meeting, the President of the Republic addressed the harsh conditions experienced by the Saharawi people, both in the refugee camps and the occupied territories as a result of the Moroccan occupation for more than 40 years.


He stressed that the United Nations is responsible for this situation, along with the European Union, given its common policy, therefore it is a partner in this responsibility for the organization of a referendum for the self-determination of the Sahrawis.


For his part, Mr. Paolo Dieci indicated that that the friendship with the Saharawi people is not new, and stressed that his organization is pursuing two ways towards the Sahrawi issue, which are the strengthening of the Sahrawi capacity in the conduct of humanitarian aid and contact with the European institutions, especially the representative of the European foreign policy, in order to recognize the SADR and defend the right of its people to self-determination.


The meeting was attended besides the members of the delegation by the President of the Sahrawi Red Crescent, Bouhebeini Yahya and the Representative of the Frente POLISARIO in Italy Mr. Emih Omar. (SPS)

