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Visit of Moroccan King to occupied Western Sahara cannot conceal reality of illegal occupation (President of Republic)

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9 June School (Refugee Camps), Feb 7, 2016 (SPS) President of the Republic, Secretary General of Frente Polisario, has considered the visit of the King of Morocco to the occupied territories of Western Sahara outdated provocative maneuver, indicating that "the phantom projects of King Mohamed VI cannot conceal the reality of its illegal occupation and its violations of human rights.


"Western Sahara is not a Moroccan territory and its fate cannot be decided by military force of occupation regardless of its power, its fate returns to the Sahrawi people, the sole legitimate owner empowered to decide the future of this territory", said the President of the Republic in his speech on the occasion of the establishment of the national committee in charge of supervising the parliamentary elections.


He reiterated "This right is inalienable, non-obsolescence and cannot be abandoned, and the Saharawi people will continue their struggle by all legitimate means to snatch this right, whatever the cost," recalling the responsibility of the international community in the decolonization of Western Sahara ".


President Mohamed Abdelaziz reiterated that "despite repression, state of military siege, intransigence, obstruction and conspiracy carried out by the Moroccan occupation, the Sahrawi people will continue their struggle and resistance until victory and independence". (SPS)

