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President of Republic condemns campaign of incitement against Sahrawis by Moroccan regime

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Shaheed El Hafed, February 8, 2016 (SPS) The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz , has condemned the incitement campaign and dissemination of unrest carried out by the Moroccan regime against Saharawi through fabrication of ethnic conflicts between Saharawi students and their Amazigh counterparts in the Moroccan university sites.


In his speech on the occasion of the inauguration of the president of the Sahrawi Committee on human rights, Abba El-Haissen, the President of the Republic highlighted that the Sahrawi and Moroccan peoples, Arab and Amazigh, have always bounded by friendly relations, describing the recent Moroccan media campaigns aimed at encouraging and feeding vicious hatred against the Sahrawi people as those of the apartheid regime in South Africa.


"The President of the Republic seized this opportunity to condemn the killing of an Amazigh citizen, stressing that the Makhzen is intended by this act to "create confusion between the two brotherly peoples, especially after the failure of all its policies of intimidation against Saharawi citizens".


President Mohamed Abdelaziz insisted on the need to tighten ranks and unity of the Sahrawi people around its legitimate representative the Frente Polisario, calling Morocco to stop all these acts and allow the Moroccan people to live side by side of the Sahrawi people and respect the right of the latter to self-determination and freedom. (SPS)

