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Western Sahara: Spanish politicians, academics calls on UN to enforce international law

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Madrid (Spain), 26 February, 2016 (SPS) - The necessity to enforce the international law and implement UN resolutions in relation to Western Sahara issue was stressed Thursday by the participants in a conference held at the political science institute of Madrid (Campus Somosaguas).


"The United Nations must put an end to all human rights abuses in the occupied Saharawi territories and allow Western Sahara people to recover their rights, being violated since the beginning of Moroccan colonization," stressed the speakers at the conference initiated by the Spanish society for contemporary studies Kosmos-Polis.


They also called for legal procedures against Moroccan parties implicated in the different crimes perpetrated against Sahrawi people, such as assassinations and forced disappearance.


The participants in the conference denounced Morocco's diplomatic manipulations to deceive international organizations and public opinion.


They urged the various NGOs, human rights groups, academics and political parties to take action to put an end to the sufferings the Saharawi people have been undergoing for 40 years. (SPS)

