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Ban Ki-moon shows through latest trip that Western Sahara conflict, decolonization issue

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Algiers, March 10, 2016 (SPS) - Saharawi Coordinator to Minurso, Mohammed Kheddad, said Wednesday in Algiers that UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's latest trip to the region has shown "what the international community has been proclaiming for years."


Kheddad stressed that "Western Sahara conflict is a decolonization issue and Morocco's alleged sovereignty over this territory has been rejected through all the resolutions issued by the international legality."


In response to Moroccan government's declarations in which it criticized the UN chief for "having departed from his neutrality, objectivity and impartiality" during his visit, Saturday, to the Saharawi refugee camps and liberated territories in Bir Lehlou, the Saharawi official said he was "amazed" at Morocco's attitude.

"With his unprecedented and historic visit, last Saturday, Ban Ki-moon showed his will, in spite of the obstacles put by Morocco, to put an end to this conflict which has gone on too long," Kheddad told APS.

The UN Chief has just reiterated "what has been proclaimed by the international community for many years."


"A referendum on self-determination in Western Sahara remains the only solution to end Moroccan colonization, which has lasted 40 years so far," the Saharawi official said.


"Morocco's declaration is a headlong flight, which shows its isolation on the international stage. Morocco is no longer an African Union member, it has frozen its relations with the European Union and today it wants to freeze its ties with the United Nations, by refusing to meet Ban Ki-moon and through such offensive remarks."SPS
