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Morocco exports Coronavirus to occupied Sahrawi territories (Responsible of Political Organization Secretariat)

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Shaheed El-Hafed, 23 May 2020 (SPS)  -  Responsible of the Secretariat of the Political Organization of the Polisario Front, Mr. Khatri Adouh, stated that the occupied territories of the Sahrawi Republic were in danger of an outbreak of Coronavirus pandemic.
Mr. Adouh recalled that there were news reports published by sites of the Sahrawi resistance in the occupied territories of the Sahrawi Republic, which the Moroccan occupation administration acknowledged its validity, that "the pandemic has hit the cities of El-Aaiun and Dakhla during the last 48 hours as a result of the occupation administration bringing in infected Moroccan settlers from inside Morocco."
"The Moroccan occupier, who has imposed political quarantine on the occupied cities for decades and continues to apply the policy of barbaric repression and isolation of the occupied territories from the outside world and continues to expel foreign observers and the media, is only interested in draining Sahrawi wealth and does not give any consideration to the interest or health of the Sahrawi citizens," he added.
The Responsible of the Secretariat of the Political Organization concluded his statement by stressing that "the Moroccan occupier bears all responsibility for the grave consequences of his criminal acts and his reckless colonial policy." (SPS)