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SPLA carries out new attacks against Moroccan occupation forces in Haouza and Amgala sectors

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Birlahlou, 11 December 2022 (SPS) - Units of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) targeted, with violent bombardments, the entrenchments of the soldiers of the Moroccan occupation forces in the sector of Haouza, according to military communiqué No. 694 of the Ministry of Defense.
According to the communiqué, SPLA units targeted the entrenchments of the soldiers of the Moroccan occupation forces in the region of Rous Dirt (Haouza sector).
SPLA units had targeted the entrenchments of the Moroccan occupation forces in the regions of El Aaria and Laagad in the Mahbes sector and in the regions of Amegli Labgar and Amegli Edeshra in the Amgala sector.
The attacks of the Saharawi Army continue against the positions of the Moroccan occupation forces which suffer significant human and material losses along the wall of shame, concluded the communiqué.