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Occupied Western Sahara, East Timor, on agenda in Lisbon

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Lisbon, June 3, 2017 (SPS) - The issue of occupied Western Sahara and its similarities with East Timor was the main focus of an international conference held recently in Lisbon, Portugal, where the participants stressed on determination and international solidarity to snatch independence.
Opening this conference, organized Monday and Tuesday at the headquarters of the Portuguese Parliament by the jurists for "Timor-Leste" on the occasion of the 25th year of its existence, the Deputy Speaker of the Portuguese Parliament Jorge Lacao underlined his support to the right of the Sahrawi and Palestinian peoples to self-determination.
Speaking at the closure of the first day’ s debates, former president of Timor Xanana Xusmao also reaffirmed “his country’s full support to the struggle of the Sahrawi people for their independence,” calling on the Sahrawi people for resistance. 
During his speech devoted the geopolitics and legal order, José Manuel Pureza, deputy speaker of the Portuguese Parliament referred to the issue of Western Sahara several times.
He underlined that “perseverance and determination, in addition to the fairness of the cause will always make the difference.” (SPS)