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UNMS presents a conference at Free University of Colombia on human rights situation in OO TT

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Bogotá, March 07, 2017 (SPS) -The head of International Relations of the UNMS has presented a conference at the free university of Colombia on the human rights situation in the occupied Western Sahara by Morocco.
The conference took place on Friday, March 3 and was attended by Dr. Dean, Mr. Carlos Arturo Hernández Díaz, the director of the Department of Socials, Don. Néstor Barón, Deputy Dean Hernando Peña and teachers of this university.
Jadiyetu El Mojtar, responsible for international relations of the UNMS addressed during her speech the violations of the rights of women by the Moroccan occupation, after she has screened documentary that reflects the reality that the Saharawi activists in OO TT
Following the intervention of the UNMS's International Relations Officer, the dean of the university thanked the head of the UNMS for its dissemination work and opened the doors for future collaborations in this area to bring this conflict to the students to receive knowledge of other peoples who also struggle to establish peace as the Colombian people.SPS