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Polisario Front welcomes "sovereign" decision of AU Executive Council regarding unity of pan-African organization

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Shahid Al Hafid, 18 July 2022 (SPS) – The Permanent Office of the Polisario Front National Secretariat has welcomed with satisfaction the "sovereign" decision of the Executive Council of the African Union (AU) which insisted, from Lusaka (Zambia), on the unity and cohesion of the pan-African organization, especially with regard to the involvement of all member states in its partnerships with other states and organizations.
During a meeting held Sunday under the chairmanship of Brahim Ghali, the Office called on the UN Security Council to take decisive action to implement the UN Charter and resolutions, including those related to the granting of independence to colonized countries and peoples, in order to allow the Sahrawi people to exercise its inalienable right to self-determination and independence.
During this meeting, the policy of obstruction carried out by the Moroccan occupier was also denounced.
At the end of the meeting, the Permanent Office of the Polisario Front discussed the preparations for the 7th ordinary session of the National Secretariat, scheduled for the end of this month of July, with the aim of assessing and setting priorities for the next phase, in the light of the decisions of the 15th Congress of the Polisario Front and the conclusions of the 6th ordinary session of the National Secretariat.
On Thursday, Morocco had failed miserably in its attempts to convince African delegations to exclude the Sahrawi Republic from participating in the work of the 8th summit of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), scheduled for August 28 and 29 in Tunis, the Executive Council of the African Union approved, in Lusaka, a resolution through which it calls for the participation of all African countries in this meeting.