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Botswana’s Trade Union calls on Morocco to end illegal occupation of Western Sahara

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Gaborone (Botswana) 17 August 2022 (SPS)- Botswana Land Boards Local Authorities and Health Workers (BLLAHWU), called for the end of the Moroccan illegal military occupation of Western Sahara, in a message of solidarity addressed to its Saharawi peer, Saharawi Workers Union (UGTSARIO), dated on August 8.
BLLAHWU’s Secretary General, Mr. Ketlhalefile M.N Motshegwa, reiterated his organisation’s “solidarity with the Saharawi people in defending their right to self-determination, which has been violated due to Morocco’s illegal annexation of Western Sahara”, calling on the occupying force “to respect the international law, human rights and end its occupation of Western Sahara.”
The trade Union emphasised “the importance of adhering to the international law and respect for self-determination,” adding that it “stands with those whose fundamental rights are violated, our solidarity is with the Western Sahara people as they fight for self-determination.”
“Without a shadow of doubt BLLAHWU recognizes Western Sahara as a sovereign state and condemns the illegal occupation of Morocco military and the abuse of Saharawi human rights,” the message adds.
The Trade union started in 1972 as the Botswana Local Authorities Union or simply BLAWU until laws changed in 1974, which transformed the union to Botswana Unified Local Government Service Association (BULGSA).
In 2007, the trade union developed even more to become Botswana Land Boards Local Authorities Workers Union (BLLAWU), which later saw it changing the name to the current BLLAHWU and is one of the most active trade unions in the country. (SPS)
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