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Sahrawi government reaffirms its rejection of Guergarat illegal passage (statement)

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Bir Lehlu (Liberated Territories),Sept 01, 2020 (SPS) - The Sahrawi Government reiterated today its firm rejection of the continued existence of the illegal Guergarat crossing, which is an flagrant violation of the terms of ceasefire and military agreement No. 1.
The Saharawi government, in a statement issued by the Ministry of Information, voiced its totally rejected to the persistent existence of the illegal breach in the Moroccan wall of humiliation  in the Guerguerat area, as it is contrary to the provisions of the military agreement no 1 and the peace plan.
In this sense, the SADR Government has called on the Security Council to force Morocco to close this illegal passage, which continues to be a permanent source of tension in the region and a real obstacle to international efforts in the search for a solution.
On the other hand, the Sahrawi government has expressed its solidarity with the Sahrawi citizens stationed since yesterday in the framework of an act of peaceful popular protest in front of the illegal crossing in the Guerguerat, considering this spontaneous and natural act as another popular demonstration of the Saharawi people resistance against the illegal Moroccan occupation of parts of the soil of the Saharawi Republic.
The Sahrawi government holds the MINURSO mission, and the United Nations, responsible for the full security and protection of the Sahrawi citizens in Guerguerat who have full rights to free expression and peaceful protest to defend the inalienable rights of its people, against any   acts of intimidation by the Moroccan occupation forces or their thugs.
It is totally unacceptable, says the Government Communiqué, that the MINURSO mission continues to turn a blind eye to the continued existence of this illegal crossing and the daily passage of goods, including huge tons of drugs, without assuming its responsibility to comply the mandate that has been entrusted to it by the Security Council, which is the organization of a self-determination referendum to put an end to the decolonization chapter of Western Sahara. SPS