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POLISARIO National Secretariat warns against Moroccan persistence in involving foreign parties in the aggression against Saharawis

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Chahid El Hafed (Saharawi Republic) Jan 13 2021 (SPS)- Polisario Front National Secretariat’s 3rd Ordinary Session, held on 11th, 12th and 13th January, warned against Moroccan policies aiming at involving foreign parties in the war and aggression against the Saharawi people.
When addressing the conditions resulting from the new reality in which the Kingdom of Morocco has put the territory and the region, the National Secretariat warned “against the extremely dangerous repercussions that would result from the maintenance by the occupying power of its policy of involving international foreign parties in the war against the Sahrawi people and its attempts to get around their legitimate national rights.”
In this context, the Secretariat reiterated its “denunciation of the announcement by the US outgoing President, Donald Trump, on Western Sahara last December 10, 2020,” and also deplored “the recent visit of the US Assistant Secretary of State for Middle East and North Africa, David Schenker, to the occupied cities of Western Sahara.”
The communiqué considered that this visit “falls under the policies adopted by the occupying power aimed at misleading the international public opinion through the opening of consulates and organizing visits, demonstrations and events to claim a sovereignty that it does not possess over Western Sahara.”
It should be recalled that Frente POLISARIO has already denounced Trump’s recognition of the Moroccan illegal occupation of Western Sahara, considering it illegal and null and void.
The UN, AU, EU and many countries and high profile US politicians and personalities denounced Trump’s violation of the international law and of the long-standing American policy on the decolonization of Western Sahara. SPS