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Participants in International Conference condemn violations of human rights and plundering of natural resources of Western Sahara

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Dajla (Saharawi Refugee Camps), April 13, 2017 (SPS)- the  Participants in the International Youth and Students Conference in Solidarity Sahrawi people held in Dajla voived their support with Saharawi political prisoners and condemned their  farce trial.
In a peaceful sit-in this Wednesday afternoon in the dunes of Dajla, outside the work of the Conference, participants carried banners with slogans condemning the plundering of Saharawi natural resources.
Speakers from the UESARIO have expressed the support of the Saharawi student organization with the Saharawi student movement in the Occupied Zones, condemning the serious violations of human rights and the Moroccan occupation repression against the Saharawi activists. SPS