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World Press Freedom Day: Human rights organizations condemn Moroccan systematic violation of freedom of opinion in occupied areas of Western Sahara

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Geneva (Switzerland), April 30, 2020 (SPS) - The Geneva Support Group for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights in Western Sahara has denounced the systematic violation of freedom of opinion and expression and the serious breaches of the International Humanitarian Law by the Moroccan Occupying Power of Western Sahara.
In this context, the Geneva Group, wth more than 200 human rights organizations including the Sahrawi National Commission for Human Rights, has renewed its call to the United Nations Security Council to set up a mechanism for monitoring and reporting human rights within the mandates of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara.
The Geneva Support Group has also appealed the United Nations Human Rights Council to establish the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the occupied Western Sahara, and special rapporteurs on freedom of opinion and expression, freedom of association, human rights defenders, the right to privacy, violence against women, and torture.
The Geneva Support has called upon the Working Group on Enforced Disappearances and the Arbitrary Detention, to pay special attention, each within the framework of its mandate, to violations of human rights and international humanitarian law committed by the Moroccan Occupation State against journalists and human rights activists in Occupied Western Sahara.SPS