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Sahrawi Government warns against vindictive targeting of Western Sahara civilians

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Shaheed El-Hafed, 28 December 2020 (SPS) - Sahrawi government has warned against the dangers that would result from the policies of the Moroccan colonizer and its reprisals against unarmed Sahrawi civilians in the occupied territories, inviting the international community to exert pressure on the colonizer to stop vindictively targeting Sahrawi citizens.
The ministry of the Occupied Territories and Sahrawi Communities expressed its concern about Western Sahara people in the occupied territories targeted by the Moroccan regime, which uses repressive means, such as blockade and harassment.
The ministry says it "closely monitors the legal situation in the occupied territories following the resurgence of violations by Moroccan repressive forces."
It invites all international bodies to "put pressure on Morocco to ensure the integrity of the disarmed Saharawis".
The government denounces "the fierce repression against the Saharawi people in the occupied territories, and which is obviously a vindictive reaction following Saharawi people's return to armed struggle," under the leadership of its legal representative, on 13 November.
The statement cited the suffering of the activist and fighter Sultana Khiya since the encirclement by Moroccan forces of the home of her family, who were singled out for abuse and harassment, causing serious injuries to her mother Aminatou Rachid and her sister El Ouaara Khiya. (SPS)