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Ministry of Information commemorates the National Day of Media

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Shahid Al-Hafed, December 29, 2022 (SPS) – The Ministry of Information commemorated yesterday, the National Media Day, which coincides with the 47th anniversary of the founding of the National Radio, at the headquarters of the Media Archive, in the presence of the President of the Republic, the Secretary-General of the Polisario Front Brahim Ghali, members of the National Secretariat and the government, in addition to a number of Sahrawi officials and journalists.
The Minister of Information, Mr. Hamada Salma Al-Daf, inaugurated the event with a speech in which he welcomed the President of the Republic and his accompanying delegation of members of the National Secretariat, the government, and partner agencies in the media field.
Hamada Salma added that the celebration of the National Media Day coincides with the 47th anniversary of the founding of the first national radio station, which was intended to convey the voice of the Saharawi people and the justice of their cause to the rest of the world, noting that the Sahrawi Media Foundation produced effective executives in state institutions, and took upon itself to publicize the right of the Sahrawi people in freedom and self-determination.
The Minister of Information stated that the celebration comes in a distinct circumstance, the first of which is the resumption of the armed struggle on November 13, 2020, and what this requires in terms of accompaniment on all media fronts, stressing the need to redouble efforts to preserve national unity.
Secondly, added the Minister of Information, is the preparation for the holding of the 16th conference of the Polisario Front and what this will require in terms of anticipating the next stage, especially at the media level, giving a number of goals that must be focused on and taken into account, including the change in the media interface, the presence of specialized professional competencies and capabilities, while making efforts in the technical aspects.
During the event, the representative of the Polisario Front in the Arab Levant, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kattab, presented a lecture on normalization, in which he touched on the definition of normalization, its roots, justifications and pretexts, referring the reason for normalization to the old agreements regarding the relationship with the Zionist entity.
The lecturer gave the dangers of normalization in points, most notably the liquidation of the Palestinian cause and the rights of the Palestinian people, control of the Middle East region, and what this represents in terms of domination and control over energy sources, trade routes, and the dominance of an abhorrent racist ideology.
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The event witnessed the honoring of the spirit of the media figure, Mohamed Salem Bushraya, by the Sahrawi media family, and the recitation of a memorial paper in which the Ministry of Information recalled the most important achievements, gains and bids that the deceased continued to perform in service of the noble Sahrawi media message.
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The event concluded by honoring the central directorates of media who won the first three places within the annual media competition.
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