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Sahrawi community in Europe strongly criticizes Moroccan human rights violation in occupied Western Sahara

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Paris, Feb13, 2021 (SPS) - The Sahrawi community in Europe has denounced the brutal and systematic repression against Sahrawi human rights defenders  in the occupied areas of Western Sahara, on the ground of their peaceful advocacy for enabling the Sahrawi people of their right In self-determination and independence.
In a statement, a copy of which obtained by SPS Monday, The Sahrawi community has urged the International Committee of the Red Cross, to protect the Sahrawi civilians by dispatching a mission to the occupied territories of Western Sahara to view the situation on the ground.
 It has also appealed all HR NGOs to urgently intervene in order to open the region to international observers and press to find out what is really going on and put an end to the brutality and intimidation that our people are subject to at the hands of the occupation forces.SPS