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US. Congresswomen condemns Trump’s unilateral decision on Western Sahara

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Washington (USA) 11 December 2020 (SPS)- US Representative for Minnesota's Fourth District in the United States House of Representatives, Betty McCollum, condemned President Trump’s unilateral promise to Morocco on Western Sahara, in a twit answering Trump’s Twits on the subject yesterday evening.
“I condemn Trump’s unilateral recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over the Western Sahara in exchange for Morocco’s diplomatic recognition of Israel. The Sahrawi people have an internationally recognized right to self-determination that must be respected,” she stressed.
Reactions from many US Senators and Congressmen were voiced through their accounts on Twitter or in statements reported by Media, the Spokesperson of the UN Secretary General also reacted indicating that Trump’s position doesn’t change anything in UN stand on Western Sahara.  (SPS)
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