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Armed fight is a national duty for all Sahrawis, says Brahim Ghali

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Chahid El Hafed, August 09, 2016 (SPS) -  The President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Brahim Gali said that the armed fight is not a threat or a political mean of pressure but a national duty for all Sahrawis.
“Armed fight is not a threat or a political mean of pressure. It is simply a national duty for all Sahrawis and a right recognized by the United Nations to colonized countries and peoples,” said the Sahrawi president, also Secretary General of the Polisario Front on Monday, in a interview with Italian newspaper La Stampa.
“The Polisario front’s decision to negotiate with Morocco under the auspices of the international community to come to a negotiated, peaceful and just solution that guarantees the Sahrawi people’s inalienable right to self-determination and independence does not mean abandoning armed fight to liberate parts of the Sahrawi Republic from Moroccan military occupation,” he added.
“The 14th Polisario Front congress reaffirmed that the formation of a strong military force ready for all eventualities, including the return to armed fight if necessary, is a permanent strategic priority,” recalled the Sahrawi head of State.SPS