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Participants at Brussels semi-marathon express support to Western Sahara people

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Brussels (Belgium), May 31, 2016 (SPS) - Participants at the 37th Brussels 20-Km semi-marathon expressed Sunday their support to the struggle of Saharawi people for the holding of a referendum on self-determination in Western Sahara, the last colony in Africa.
A group of Sahara Libre (Free Sahara) runners carrying Saharawi flags crossed the city of Brussels, on the occasion of the semi-marathon, chanting slogans for the respect of Saharawi people's basic rights, and especially their inalienable right to self-determination.
Organized by the Belgian committee for support to Saharawi people and the national coordination on action for peace and democracy, the initiative has brought together many activists, human rights defenders and long-standing supporters of the Saharawi cause. 
"We are happy with the interest shown in this initiative," noted the Polisario front's representative in Belgium, Jamal Zakari.
"The number of participants in the semi-marathon, an opportunity to express support to Western Sahara people's struggle, is increasing edition after edition."SPS