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Spain Deputies Congress will host conference: "From the judgment of the European Court of Justice to international responsibility"

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Madrid, Feb 13, 2018 (SPS) - The Intergroup of the Congress of the Deputies for the Sahara in Spain, with the collaboration of CEAS Sahara and Sahrawi Delegation in Spain, celebrates next Thursday, February 15, the seminar on  "Western Sahara: from the judgment of the European Court of Justice to international responsibility ", with two sections devoted to the judgment of the National High Court on genocide in Western Sahara and the ruling of the Court of Justice of the EU that states that Western Sahara does not belong to Morocco , therefore, cannot exploit and export the natural resources of the Sahrawi without their consent, as you can see in the attached files.
The seminar will feature the presentations of Eloísa González Hidalgo (doctor in International Law and co-author of the research "Truth, justice and reparation in Western Sahara"), Juan Soroeta (Professor of Public International Law at the University of the Basque Country and President of the International Association for the Observation of Human Rights) and Gilles Devers (French lawyer who represented the Frente POLISARIO before the High Court of Justice of the European Union).
The event will also include the presence of the Saharawi delegate for Spain, Jira Boulahi Bad, with the president of CEAS-Sahara, José Taboada, and deputies in the Congress of several Parliamentary Groups. SPS