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President Brahim Gali arrives to Ecuador for presidential Transmission of power Ceremony

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Quito, Ecuador, May 24, 2017 (SPS) - The president of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) , Secretary General of the Frente POLISARIO, Brahim Gali, arrived in the afternoon on Tuesday, May 23, in Quito, Capital of the Republic of Ecuador, invited by the highest governmental authorities, to participate in the presidential ceremony of transmission of power.
"I come from North Africa to attend the inauguration of the new government in this brother country and, at the same time, transmit the warm greetings of the Saharawi people to the Ecuadorian people, as well as to congratulate the elected President Lenin Moreno Garcés, his Government and its people, "said President Gali.
The investiture ceremony will be held on Wednesday, May 24, the anniversary of the Battle of Pichincha, a heroic event in the history of this Andean country, with which SADR has maintained excellent relations of friendship and solidarity since November 1983.
The new president of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno Garcés, was elected after reaching a 51.16% of the votes in a second round of elections held on April 2, 2017.
The President of the SADR and Secretary General of the Frente POLISARIO was received by Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Guillaume Long and senior officials of the Ceremonial and Protocol Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility.
President Gali was accompanied by the minister delegate  for Latin America and the Caribbean, Omar Mansur; The Saharawi ambassador to Nicaragua, Suliman Tieb Henan,The Counselor of the Presidency, Abdati Breca and the Saharawi ambassador to Ecuador, Alisalem Sidi Zein. The official delegation was joined by the Sahara Press Service correspondent in the country, Pablo de la Vega. SPS