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Portuguese Parliament approves a vote of solidarity with the Saharawi political prisoners on hunger strike

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Lisbon, March 30, 2016  (SPS) .- On the initiative of Bloco Esquerda (Left Bloc), the Portuguese Parliament approved in full a vote of solidarity with the Saharawi political prisoners on hunger strike.
The initiative Bloco Esquerda which has been signed by the parliamentary groups of the ENP, PSD, PS and PAN, "calls for the release of Saharawi political prisoners" and "sympathizes with their struggle" and supports the UN efforts to achieve a solution to the Western Sahara dispute. "
To be noted that in solidarity with the hunger strike of  Gdeim Izik political prisoners, are being rotatably fasting of 24 hours in 20 Spanish cities, IU in the European Parliament has expressed its support and solidarity in several Spanish communities to express their support for the Saharawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik Group who have been 30 consecutive days on hunger strike.