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Geneva Group asks UNHRC to dispatch an observer mission to occupied Western Sahara

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Geneva, March 02, 2021 (SPS) - The Geneva Support Group for Western Sahara asked the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) to send an observer mission to the occupied Sahrawi territories to investigate the situation on the ground, drawing attention to the "human rights abuses" committed by the Moroccan occupation authorities.
In a letter addressed to the participants in the 46th session of the Human Rights Council, which takes place from February 22 to March 23, 2021, the Geneva Group expresses its concern over "the resumption of hostilities in the non-self-governing territory of Western Sahara after the violation of the ceasefire by the Kingdom of Morocco on November 13.”
"We draw attention to the fact that a significant number of Sahrawi civilians, well-known human rights defenders and independent journalists have been victims of harassment, intimidation, arbitrary arrests and detentions since the resumption of the armed conflict," the Group states in its letter.SPS