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Western Sahara: Extension of MINURSO mandate on 28 April

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New York (United Nations), April 07, 2016 (SPS) - The United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) mandate will be extended on 28th April, announced the Security Council on Wednesday.
“The United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) mandate will be extended on 28 April 2016,” said China’s permanent representative to the United Nations and president of the Security Council for the month of April, Liu Jieyi, during the representation of the  Security Council’s work programme for the current month.
During a meeting behind closed doors held on April 1st, the Security Council adopted its action programme for this month by devoting three meetings to the debate of the issue of occupied Western Sahara, awaiting the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon’s presentation of his report on the development of the conflict, in the light of his tour made early March to the Sahrawi refugee camps.
During the tour, the UN official met with Sahrawi officials and enquired about the sufferings of the Sahrawi people. He also went to the liberated Sahrawi territories in Bir Lahlou, excluding Morocco, which refused his visit giving as a pretext, “a heavy schedule.”SPS