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Turkey denies recognizing alleged Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara

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Ankara, 14 May 2022 (SPS) - The Turkish Foreign Ministry denied on Thursday the allegations of some Moroccan media about Turkey's recognition of Morocco's alleged sovereignty over Western Sahara, stressing that "Turkey advocates a political solution to the Sahrawi issue within the framework of relevant UN resolutions.
"Turkey has advocated since the beginning for a political solution to the issue of Western Sahara within the framework of the relevant UN resolutions and through dialogue between the parties," Ambassador Tanju Bilgiç, spokesperson of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, indicated in reaction to the Moroccan media allegations.
"Turkey supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all countries in the region within their internationally recognized borders," Bilgiç added, recalling that Turkish Foreign Minister mevlut cavusoglu, had expressed this position during a joint press conference with his Moroccan counterpart, on May 11 in Marrakech.