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Cabinet rejects Moroccan fallacies in El-Guergarat

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Bir-Lehlu (Liberated Zones), March 4, 2017 (SPS) - The Council of  Ministers has expressed rejection to the Moroccan attempts to deceive the world by retreating few meters into its trenches in the military wall.   
"The Council of Ministers expresses categorical rejection to the attempts of the Moroccan regime to deceive and mislead the international public opinion and its appearance as a collaborator just because of the retreat of its soldiers few meters into their trenches in the wall of humiliation and shame," indicated a statement Friday following the meeting of the Council of Ministers chaired by President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali.
“Morocco cannot hide as a military occupation that violates repeatedly the ceasefire agreement, refuses to comply with the international legitimacy through the expulsion of the civil and political component of MINURSO, obstructs the peaceful settlement of the conflict, continues violations of human rights, expels international observers, and plunders the natural resources," stressed the statement.
The statement emphasized “what is required today is a solution in essence and fairness to the victim and not keep pace with deception of the occupier, which will only lead to more tension in the region and the continuation of the suffering of the Saharawi people who is determined to continue their struggle with all legitimate means to grab their right to self-determination and independence".
The Cabinet reiterated the Sahrawi party's commitment to international legitimacy and cooperation with the UN Secretary General and his Personal Envoy to apply the international resolutions to implement the mandate of MINURSO mission for the organisation of a free and fair referendum guaranteeing the right to self-determination. (SPS)