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The Moroccan people should ask themselves about the real beneficiaries of the EU/Morocco agreements

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Brussels, Jan 20, 2022 (SPS) -  The President of the European Coordination for Support and Solidarity with the Saharawi People (Eucoco), Pierre Galand, indicated that the Moroccan people should question themselves about the real beneficiaries of EU/Morocco trade agreements including occupied Western Sahara.
Speaking in the "Investig'Action" program on social networks, Pierre Galand declared that "today, the Moroccan people gain nothing in this war against the Frente POLISARIO", assuring that the beneficiaries of the illegal exploitation by Morocco of the natural resources of Western Sahara in the fishing and phosphate sector are the King and some big Moroccan fortunes.
"Moroccans should ask themselves about this King and what are his interests, he said. Who are the real beneficiaries of these fishing agreements? The King and some big Moroccan fortunes who share this exploitation with Spain for fishing and with France for phosphate", replied the activist.SPS