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Solidarity sit-in with Saharawi Political Prisoners "Gdeim Izik" in Cantabria‏

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Cantabria (Spain), March 29, 2016 (SPS) - Cantabria association for the Western Sahara organized sit-in in solidarity with the Saharawi political prisoners Gdeim Izik group on their hunger strike for 29 days.
During the sit-in a statement issued by co-ordination of the Spanish association of friendship and solidarity with the Saharawi people, voicing the sympathy of the Spanish civil society in support of Sahrawi issue and Sahrawi political prisoners on hunger strike, demanding the occupying Moroccan authorities to release them.
Participants drew the attention of international community to status of occupation and violations of human rights in occupied Western Sahara, shouldering the Spanish government responsibility of the Saharawi people’s suffering in refugee camps and occupied territories during forty years. SPS