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Swedish Left Party calls on government to recognize SADR

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Orebro (Sweden), May 08, 2016 (SPS) - The Swedish Left Party has asked the government of his country to recognize the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), as the best contribution to a peaceful solution to the conflict in Western Sahara.
In a statement at the end of its General Congress, the Swedish Party stressed that the official recognition of SADR by the Swedish government is the best contribution that can bring the country to find a peaceful solution to the Saharawi-Moroccan conflict, an initiative which could encourage other countries to take the same decision.
Sweden, according to the political party, must work for the organization of a referendum for the Saharawi people to decide their future and to work in collaboration with the African Union to strengthen the international isolation of Morocco.
The Swedish party also called for the exercise of economic sanctions on Morocco to put an end to its occupation of Western Sahara, and to work to increase the humanitarian aid to the Sahrawi refugees. (SPS)