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New Sahrawi ambassador to Nicaragua presents his credentials to Minister of Foreign Affairs

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Managua (Nicaragua) September 19, 2020 (SPS) - The new ambassador of the Sahrawi Republic to Nicaragua, Mr. Wali Amer Ali-Salem, presented Friday his credentials to Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Nicaragua, Mr. Denis Moncada, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 
On this occasion, the head of the Nicaraguan diplomacy affirmed that Nicaragua and the Sahrawi Republic have very strong fraternal historical ties, stressing the right of the Sahrawi people for self-determination and independence.
For his part, the Sahrawi ambassador commended the accompaniment of Nicaragua to the struggle of the Sahrawi people, expressing the appreciation and gratitude of the Sahrawi government and people.
The Sahrawi Republic and Nicaragua have strong diplomatic relations, usually reflected in positions on issues of common concern. (SPS)