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Algeria announces the suspension of its Treaty of Good Friendship and Good Neighborhood with Spain

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Algiers, 08, June 2022 (SPS) - Algeria announced yesterday the "immediate" suspension of the Treaty of Friendship and Good Neighborhood that it had with Spain since 2002.
According to a statement made public Wednesday by its Presidency, “the Spanish authorities have carried out a campaign to justify the assumption adopted on Western Sahara in violation of its legal, moral and political obligations as the administering power of the territory that weigh on the Kingdom of Spain until the decolonization of Western Sahara is declared fulfilled by the United Nations”.
“These same authorities are responsible for an unjustifiable change of position since the announcements of March 18, 2022 by which the current Spanish Government has given its full support to the illegal and illegitimate autonomy formula advocated by the occupying power, trying to promote a colonial fact accomplished through the use of fallacious arguments,” the statement added.
“This position of the Spanish Government violates the international legality imposed by its status as administering power and the efforts of the United Nations and the Secretary General's new personal envoy and directly contributes to the deterioration of the situation in Western Sahara and in the region in general. ”, continue the statement of the Algerian Presidency.
“For this reason, Algeria decides to immediately suspend the Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighborhood and Cooperation signed on October 8, 2002 with the Kingdom of Spain, which has been a basis until today for the development of relations between our two countries. ”, concludes the statement. SPS