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Moroccan HRC Statement a maneuver to cover up its occupation crimes in Western Sahara (CONASADH)

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Bir Lehlu (Sahrawi Republic), Feb17, 2021 (SPS) - The Saharawi National Commission for Human Rights (CONASADH) affirmed that the statement published by the so-called Moroccan Council for Human Rights about its meeting with the human rights activist Sultana Khaya "It is nothing more than a maneuver to cover up the savage crimes suffered by the activist and her family at the hands of the Moroccan security forces."
The statement is nothing more than a lie and contradiction to reality, in a despicable attempt that seeks to flee forward and mislead national and international public opinion", condemning the Moroccan continuous crimes in the occupied parts of the Saharawi Republic and expressing its unconditional solidarity with the family of Sidbrahim Khaya. CONSADAH added in its press release
The Sahrawi human rights commission reminded the International Committee of the Red Cross to fulfill its mission and protect Sahrawi civilians who suffer under occupation, inviting it to assume its responsibilities in Western Sahara as a non-autonomous territory, pending decolonization and whose people still do not enjoy their right to self-determination and independence. SPS